NEW YORK: Google Glass will be available for Sale from 15th April. Google have create only 1 condition that If you wants to Buy this Product, you should be US Citizen, other wise you will not be able to buy Google Glass.
Google Glass will be sale only for 1 day on Trial Basis. This will be sold on First come First Serve Basis. Initial Price of Google Glass is 1500 $.
This is First Time that Google Glass will be sold for every one. But this is not a Final Version, This is testing Version. Changes will be made after Buyers review.
Google Glass will be sale only for 1 day on Trial Basis. This will be sold on First come First Serve Basis. Initial Price of Google Glass is 1500 $.
This is First Time that Google Glass will be sold for every one. But this is not a Final Version, This is testing Version. Changes will be made after Buyers review.