Islamabad: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif meet on Saturday ISI chief Lt Gen Rizwan Akhtar.

 It later became Director General Rizwan Akhtar Nawaz Sharif was the first meeting where the establishment of law and order in the country.

Both in relation to the discussion on the role of the ISI. Read also: New ISI chief Lt Gen Rizwan Akhtar Prime minister and intelligence chief also discussed the addition of the FATA terrorist bases in other parts of the country how it is possible.
New ISI rizwan akhtar met with nawaz sharif, nawa sharif with new isi, met, new isi chief, who is,

 Army Chief Gen Rizwan Akhtar, who was considered close to the Command and Staff College in Quetta, is a graduate of the US Army War College, National Defense University. They belong to the Frontier Force Regiment Infantry Brigade Infantry Division and served as commander of FATA.